This Zeitfracht Henschel, as the name suggests in German, delivered time-sensitive newspapers and magazines to Berlin. While its name originated in th...
This Zeitfracht Henschel, as the name suggests in German, delivered time-sensitive newspapers and magazines to Berlin. While its name originated in the sixties, the story of the forwarder began earlier and exemplifies a piece of entrepreneurial history in the Two Germanies. After his Stendal forwarding company was nationalised by the East German government, 24-year-old Horst Walter Schröter started a new life with his wife in Berlin in 1952. Business started booming, which allowed the vehicle fleet to expand as early as 1955. Among the first vehicle to be added were Büssing, Henschel and Mercedes-Benz models, all of which outfitted to perform long hauls. Pursuing a clear course of expansion by 1960, the Schröter forwarding company quickly began acquiring other carriers. Horst Walter Schröter became increasingly well-known in the industry. Finally, in 1962, the Zeitfracht company was born. The starting point was the order to transport newspapers and magazines from West Germany to West Berlin. This order marked the beginning of the group of companies. The introduction of the Zeitfracht wing was intended as a symbol signalling the change. The transition from the Schröter forwarding company to Zeitfracht was attributed to changes in market requirements – scheduled deliveries were the order of the day!
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