Immediately after the initial launch of the VW Golf I WIKING turned it into a law enforcement vehicle over four decades ago – back then, of course, ...
Immediately after the initial launch of the VW Golf I WIKING turned it into a law enforcement vehicle over four decades ago – back then, of course, draped in the mint green colours of the riot police. Now, the first Golf generation makes its début with the signature bicolour design of the police, including movable doors, bonnet and tailgate that reflect the same mint green contrasting from the white body that was present in the original. With the launch of this new vehicle the traditional model makers are complementing a series of police vehicles that is now spanning seven decades of post-war history. When the Wolfsburg auto makers unveiled this compact car, VW wrote automotive history as the Golf class set itself apart for many years by offering more space and a substantially better value compared to its Beetle predecessor. A number of Germany's states substituted their legendary Police Beetles with the Golf I.
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